
Otylia Swim Tour

On May 8, 2022 yet another edition of the Otylia Swim Tour has come to an end, this year it took place in Zgierz and Lubartów and one of the partners of the event was the Aquawave brand.

Otylia Swim Tour is a series of one-day workshops for young swimming adepts who have mastered at least 2 swimming styles: backstroke and freestyle. Small athletes have the opportunity to take part in training not only at the pool, but also in the gym, learning the correct technique and improving motor skills.

The workshops are also addressed to parents and trainers who have the opportunity to consult with dietitian and psychologist. This shall help adults to support young swimmers in achieving further success.

The Otylia Swim Tour project is an excellent initiative promoting safe water sports. A conscious approach to threats is particularly important in the upcoming holiday season.

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