Otylia Swim Tour in Lubaczów
This is the tenth year of the Otylia Swim Tour, organized by Polish swimmer Otylia Jędrzejczak!
The Otylia Swim Tour project is a one-day series of swimming classes involving both children and parents. It was created primarily for young swimmers, able to move in the water in at least two styles – backstroke and freestyle.
This year, for the first time, the city of Lubaczów joined the tour. The event hosted 300 people, including just under 130 young swimming students. Participants were able to enjoy more than six hours of comprehensive exercise in the gymnasium and swimming pool. For adults at the time, a workshop with a psychologist and a nutritionist was prepared, where they learned how to help their children achieve their goals.
The event could not miss AquaWave, a brand dedicated to water sports enthusiasts. The company’s products are available at www.martessport.eu/cz/, where you can find a wide selection of swimsuits, shirts, shorts and various water accessories. Take a look at our current offer!